Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Review

Author: Liana Tames

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
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Indiana Jones' first adventure in the Raider of the Lost Ark is a timeless action-adventure masterpiece. The multi-award winning film has some of the most unforgettable scenes and music in film history. The amazing special effects and memorable characters create an adventure that is exciting and will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the film.


Directed by Steven Spielberg and written by George Lucas, the cast consists of Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, John Rhys-Davies, and Paul Freeman. The writing and the cast deliver an amazing performance that will immerse you into the exciting life of Indiana Jones.

Plot Summary

Renowned archeologist and expert in the occult, Dr. Indiana Jones, is hired by the U.S. Government to find the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to still hold the ten commandments. Unfortunately, agents of Hitler are also after the Ark. Indy, and his ex-flame Marion, escape from various close scrapes in a quest that takes them from Nepal to Cairo.

Production Value

With a budget of $18 million, Raiders of the Lost Ark managed to make $389.9 million world wide throughout it's theatrical releases. It is one of the top 25 highest grossing films in history. The special effects of the film really bring scenes to life and create tension and a sense of danger for the characters.

Star Value

I give Raiders of the Lost Ark, 5 out of 5 stars.



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